Green Neighbours Network
GREEN NEIGHBOURS NETWORK is a grassroots community network of people and groups working to make Toronto greener, healthier, and more sustainable.
GREEN NEIGHBOURS NETWORK member groups are active in neighbourhoods across Toronto helping to create a city that is …
Greener, more sustainable, and more resilient
Friendlier, healthier, with more vibrant neighbourhoods
A leader in the worldwide urban movement against climate change
And we are looking for more members – so join us!
Toronto Climate Action Network
The Toronto Climate Action Network (TCAN) is a network of action-oriented organizations working together to address the threat of climate change. It is a central source for information and resources offered by Toronto based organizations. You can find out more here.
350 works on grassroots campaigns across the globe: from opposing coal plants and mega-pipelines, to supporting renewable energy solutions and cutting financial ties of the fossil fuel industry. All of our work leverages people power to dismantle the influence and infrastructure of the fossil fuel industry. There is also a Toronto Branch.
Polaris is designed to enable citizen or peoples’ movements to re-skill and re-tool themselves for the struggle to bring about democratic social change in an age of corporate-driven globalization. Essentially, the Institute works with various social movements and community-based groups to develop methods, strategies and tactics for effectively challenging public policy making on vital economic, environmental and social justice issues with a particular focus on unmasking the corporate power that lies behind governments today. In so doing, the Institute acts a catalytic agent in bringing together constituency-based groups impacted by key policy struggles [e.g. labor unions, eco-justice groups, farmers’ movements, public interest groups, faith-based organizations, Indigenous peoples, youth groups and community organizations] with a view to increasing their capacities to organize their own strategic campaigns on issues of vital concern to their members and allies.
The Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) is an independent, non-partisan research institute concerned with issues of social, economic and environmental justice. Founded in 1980, the CCPA is one of Canada’s leading progressive voices in public policy debates. As well as a national office, it has additional ones in several Canadian provinces. Of particular interest are its recent reports on its recent reports on media coverage of pipelines, and True, Lasting Reconciliation, dealing with the rights of indigenous peoples.
Inspired by the Blue/Green Alliance movement taking shape and form in the U.S., steps were taken to explore what could be done to build a new social movement of labour unions, environment groups, and social justice organizations for the building of an authentic green economy in this country.
The Nature Conservancy of Canada leads and inspires others to join in creating a legacy for future generations by conserving important natural areas and biological diversity across all regions of Canada. It envisions a world in which Canadians conserve nature in all its diversity, and safeguard the lands and waters that sustain life.