My writings - and those of others.
Hot Enough Yet?
We are featured today in Bill McKibben’s New Yorker Article - we being Canadians and he’s asking the question about our politicians. You can guess the answer. While the temperature breaks all records, how are we responding?
Polls show 75% of us are anxious about climate change - and we are a liberal democracy, so that should help.
The Arctic is warming faster than any other place and we have a front seat to watch that.
Wildfires have burned the most forest ever.
Air quality related to fires made ours the worst in the world.
This should result in some good political action. What is happening?
We’re building a natural gas exporting terminal - and we may count exports as part of the carbon tax.
Politicians say we are making progress - but we don’t want anything to change locally because that would upset too many people and mean not get re-elected.
We’re not alone. But we are absolutely the poster child for how these things work. Will any radical solution break through even with democratic societies who suffer the least?